Oooouch! Impressive list! Well, perhaps the harness could have held a bit longer (unless the shoulder and ribs damage was already its work).

(That friend of mine had a similarly impresive damage report (combined with burst diaphragm and some other internal injuries) - for example, his teeth were kept joined by wire for a month so that his jaw could pull the rest of his smashed face out...)

I was about to say that driving seems to ba a dangerous passtime, but then I remembered another friend of mine, an excellent driver, off-road motorbike rider and Airbus A320 series check pilot. He spent a year in hospitals and spas after falling from his plane (it was on the ground, obviously).

Anyway, I hope you got patched up completely!

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue