This has all now been made simpler with Hijack v445 --> see the thread in General for details on that.

But while I'm in here, it should be pointed out that hex codes are just so passé..

;@AC 00000002.T=00b9461D ; right button in tuner = kw tape (aux)
;@AC 00000004.N=00b9461C ; left button no shifted = kw tuner (tuner)
;@AC 00000002.M=00b9461D.S ; right button in player = kw tape(aux), shifts
;@AC 00000004.S=00b9461E.S ; left button shifted = kw CD(player), unshifts

The above (working or not), can be expressed more simply as:

;@AC Right.T=Aux
;@AC Left.N=Tuner
;@AC Right.M=Tape.S
;@AC Left.S=CD.S
