The only reason I uninstalled it was because Visual Studio 2005 wasn't smart enough to do an upgrade of .Net 2.0 Beta 2 to the final release. Thus I had to remove .Net 2.0 manually, then found I had to remove dependancies on it first, with that being WinFX.

Oddly enough, it's looking more like the USB drive is hanging the machine on boot instead of something with WinFX being uninstalled. I got it working again, but any time my drive is plugged in, it hangs on boot now. It hasn't ever done this before, and I've been using the same drive for many months.

So I suppose this is more a rant about not having enough information to solve the problem. While the whole text spewing that Linux does while booting might not be pretty, it at least lets me find the problem quicker to then fix it.

I suppose my time on Linux and OS X has really changed my expectations for computers. I expect certain things out of them now, and find more and more those expectations cannot be met by Windows. Especially when I thought a beta product hosed my system, but it turns out more to be a USB drive.