This leads back to my "trusted sites" idea. Just like the pre-search-engine days when people posted link directories, there should be directories of trusted sites. Maybe a web of trust, tightly controlled by the members of the web (not infinitely expanding like the PGP key model). Display only known legitimate sites, accept link requests from the outside, post those links after through review, swiftly remove sites turned bad.

Think of how easy it would be to find trustworthy product reviews, legitimate online retailers, non-popup'ed lyrics sites, REAL information. Yes, it's labor intensive, but that's how I do things. Maybe there's a way to make this work.

Reminds me of the Open Directory Project.

Really though, I'm not sure about the future of that system. For example, search for empeg on Dmoz, and boom... 3 results. Its not exactly comprehensive, and the sheer manpower required to make it so just blows my mind.

On the flipside, I'm getting into del.icio.us. Search for empeg on that, and you get good results, you can quickly see whats popular and there is no junk. Its also good to see whats related by following people's tags. A nice side-effect to social bookmarking.

Edited by sein (10/12/2005 16:38)