I'm using signals to let me know when data is available on the serial port, I register a signal handler like this:

        saio.sa_flags = 0;
saio.sa_restorer = NULL;
saio.sa_handler = signal_handler_IO;
sigaction(SIGIO, &saio, NULL);

And the signal handler is this:

void signal_handler_IO(int status) {
fprintf(stderr, "sig:");
wait_flag = 0;

The full source to the listening program is attached above. I want to make sure I'm actually SENDING things right first, the sending code looks OK, doesn't it? 8 bytes of text followed by a 0x0D (LF) character then a 0x00 (NULL) to terminate the string? If that is right, I must be doing something wrong on the reading side, and I can concentrate on that part of it. I think I have the serial port options all correct, but I'm obviously missing something here.
Mark Cushman