
I finally got a moment tonight to upload some video from my own experiments with in-flight cameras. I haven't been able to fly for a month or more due to work and weather, so this is from before christmas.

This is an edited down version of a 16 minute video. It's quite large at about 30MB, but shows the interesting bits quite well. Here is a few seconds of the full-bandwidth video. It's about 15MB. The entire 16 minute clip is nearly 2GB, so not really suitable for uploading

The video is taken with a high-resolution board camera with a pinhole lens, connected to a sawn-off Canon minidv camcorder. The camera is mounted under one wing on a small piece of high-density rubber foam to absorb vibrations. The camcorder (bought from ebay as faulty and repaired) has had all the unnecessary bits such as the camera and lcd panel removed to save weight. It's all fitted into a multiplex magister powered by a biggish brushless motor and 6 2200mAh lithium cells.

All up it weighs about 2.9kg, but still flies for more than half an hour on a charge. There's some pics here of the plane.

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...