OK here's the serial output on the chip

empeg display initialised.5:59ad.cpp: 180:@@ #37d0
empeg dsp audio initialisedError -4 occurred at disk p
empeg dsp mixer initialised
empeg dsp initialisedhread.cpp: 180:@@ #37
empeg audio-in initialised, CS4231A revision a0
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 180:@@
empeg single channel IDE 0:05:59 Comm
Probing primary interface...d0 0:05:59
hda: IBM-DARA-212000, ATA DISK drive ff 3f 3f ff 3f a0 00y_thread.cpp: 1
hda: IBM-DARA-212000, ATA DISK drive: 180:@@ #37d0 0:05:59e290 0:01:31
hda: IBM-DARA-212000, ATA DISK drive

If something looks strange about a drive it's because one of them wasn't connected when this was done. There's is an error mentioned "error -4 occurred at disk p" not sure what this means.
I'm not sure what this means as far as the chip being good or bad, would it say bad after the name?

OK- from searching I take it's good, sigh of relief now on to other tries.

Edited by Snowshoe (31/01/2006 22:36)