For tunes not yet loaded onto the player:
- Use MP3 Tag Studio to strip comments.

For tunes already on the player:

1. Run Emplode.

2. In the left hand column, select "All Tracks"

3. Click on one of the tunes in the right-hand pane.

4. Press CTRL+A which should select all tunes.

5. Press ALT+ENTER which should bring up a properties box. All of the fields in the properties box will be yellow, indicating they are globals.

6. Carefully, without touching any of the other fields, click in the Comment field.

7. Press space then backspace.

8. Press Apply, then OK.

9. The entire list of MP3s should now be marked as changed.

10. Synch.

Please note that this will ONLY AFFECT THE DATABASE ON THE PLAYER. If you download those songs off of the player, the actual tag files within the MP3s themselves have not been changed. More details here.
Tony Fabris