You HAVE to serve in the military to EARN the right to vote.
I believe, though I could be mistaken, that he later said the notion was that you have to serve to vote, but not necessarily in the military. In other words, other civil jobs would qualify as well- the book just happened to be about the military. The overall point wasn't that the military makes better leaders, but that people should demonstrate that they can serve others and put them first before they are allowed a say in public policy.

I think the point is well made, even if his solution is overly simplistic and flawed. Our system is set up to give everyone a selfish voice and thereby come to some kind of uncomfortable comprise. How much better would it be if we could isolate only those who have demonstrated a willingness to work for the good of all and let them decide the direction of the country? It's interesting to think about at least.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.