
While Jen's away for the weekend, I thought that I'd finally get off my backside and fix my MythTV box, which hasn't been working since a Debian/unstable upgrade broke it about 4 months ago.

I decided to replace the hard disk, because the kernel keeps reporting the occasional error. Fortunately, I've got several spare hard disks of various capacities lying around. I grab a spare 200Gb disk from stock, and prepare to open the case.

This requires about thirty minutes of searching for the little plastic tool that opens the case -- it's a Hush ITX box. Apparently, when I put it together the first time, I thought ahead, and stashed it in the box that the PVR card came in, so I'd know where to find it the next time.

Didn't remember doing that, though.

So, I get the lid off and start taking the PVR card out, so that I can get at the hard disk, which is a delicate operation because the space for PCI cards is a bit cramped in there.

As I lift it out, I notice a faint hissing noise...

One of the capacitors on the PVR card has gone pop, and all the electrolyte has come out.


And, while researching the problem, I decided to inspect the other capacitors on the motherboard, while I've got the lid off. At least 4 of the capacitors on the motherboard appear to have gone as well.


Edited by Roger (01/05/2006 15:40)
-- roger