Digging up an old thread...

I have just rung my mobile phone supplier, O2. I told them that I was thinking on cancelling, which I was, but I may be interested in keeping the contract if they can reduce my monthly bill. Here is what they offered me...

Monthly Rental - £10
Included mins - 300 cross network
Included text - 500
Credit - £100

This what I was paying before...

Monthy Rental - £22
Insurance - £5
Included Calls - 100 mins + 50 mins cross network
Included text 50

This means that I now have more than double the minutes, 10 times the free txts and a £100 credit to the account which means I don't have to pay any thing for 10 months! I used to spend £300ish per year with O2, now it will be £20, I think I did quite well out of a 2 minute phone call! £280 in the bank!

What else do you think I could try this with?

