The chart-making software that you used to make the layout in the first place? Doesn't *THAT* have a tiled printing option?

No, unfortunately, it doesn't, as you found. I've been talking to the guy who wrote it -- he's been tremendously helpful, and he says he's going to try working on the printing options for the next major release. I don't know whether tiling is on his list, though.

In the end, I previewed the sizes with just the corner, and then exported the plan to SVG and tweaked the sizes, colours etc. in InkScape, which wasn't bad. "Stable version" (on the website) is a bit of a misnomer, though, at least on Windows -- remember to save regularly.

I also remembered that these Dell 2005FPW monitors rotate into portrait mode, which made it much easier to work on the SVG without too much scrolling around.

Hopefully, Jen'll be able to pick up the finished article from the printers today, and we'll see how it all came out.
-- roger