Here's how I rip my music.

First, I rip the CD on my Windows XP Pro box using EAC. If the CD has accented characters in the name (for example Café del Mar), then EAC writes the files to disk in UTF8. This means that the name is scambled. (é becomes é).

Now, I can fix this on the PC end, converting the UTF8-on-UTF16 nonsense to the correct UTF16 character.

Then I copy the files onto my Ubuntu 6.06 fileserver, where Samba correctly converts my UTF16 (on NTFS) filenames back into UTF8 (on ext3) filenames. As long as my terminal (either xterm or PuTTY) knows to interpret them as UTF8, then they're displayed correctly, too.

So far, so good.

Where I run into problems is when I attempt to copy the MP3s to my work PC (Windows 2003 SP1), using Cygwin's rsync (v2.6.6).

It picks up the UTF8 names and turns them back into the individual octets before writing them back to the UTF16 filesystem, which means that my 'é' turns back into 'é'.

For example:


C:\Temp>rsync -e ssh -auv*.flac .
receiving file list ... done
01 - Jos\303\251 Padilla - Agua.flac

How do I persuade rsync that my filenames are Unicode, and to do the necessary UTF8 to UTF16 conversion?

I've tried googling for an answer, but my google-fu is weak this morning. Any ideas?
-- roger