...wacko islamofacists want to forcibly convert the West to Islam

...the enemy's cause, which is "convert to Islam or DIE"

This is a fallacy that neocons and loonies like to constantly mention regarding the "war on terror". They want to believe that this is some good vs. evil thing where we have to utterly destory the enemy who wants nothing more than to eat our babies, and convert our men and enslave our women. This is a lie and a very clever tactic. These people do not give a rats ass if you find the path to Allah. They want US troops off the Arabian Penninsula, and they want justice in Palestine. These are their motives. Well at least those WERE their motives, now they are just pissed at the US and hate everything American. It didn't used to be like that. Yes there were factions that were hostile towards the US for the reasons mentioned above, but by and large, the average citizens of most muslim countries pretty much liked Americans. It was funny, cause I remember hearing a lot of people back home who just sort of, admired Americans because of their "movie star looks and exciting lives", they wanted to come here and partake in the american dream and all that nonsense. Now instead of a pissed off minority, you have half the muslim world hating the US. I can honestly again say that it didn't used to be like that.

There is never going to be a Caliphate going from Indonesia to Spain, and you, nor anyone you know is ever going to be forcibly converted to Islam. But keep believing that its what the terrorists want, and keep telling everyone that this is part of the eternal struggle between good and evil, and yet again, America is good, which obviously puts anyone muslim in the evil category.

BTW, I'm sure someone is going to find some quote, or link, or videotaped message where some asshole terrorist is saying something to the effect of, "the US WILL FALL, CHRISTIANS DIE, CONVERT OR DIE", this is about the same as a muslim watching a KKK or Aryan Brotherhood video and claiming that the white man wants to kill minorities and all white people want to create an Aryan empire.

Edited by visuvius (11/10/2006 16:30)