I just bought a brand new hd for my empeg. It's a IBM Travelstar DJSA-220.
At home everything is working ok. But in the car (at around 120km/h), the player suddenly stops playing for a few seconds, then everything is ok again. Sometimes the player stops forever, so I have to pull it out from the dash to restart. Just before the breaks, the hd make some noise like a ticking. Semse like the player can't read from the disc! I think the problem is the vibration during driving.
If I shake the player at home a little bit, I get the same behavior. With the original IBM DARA-218000 disc I don't have the problem.
Has anybody other the same problem with this kind of IBM hd? I think Empeg is using the same typ of disc, isn't it? I tried it out with two different additional discs. So I don't think that both of them are defect. Is the DARA disc better than the DJSA?
Is there maybe a mounting problem?

Thanks for the help