But.. I do recall hearing that the Flash player was fussier than normal about this..

Ubuntu x86_64 works fine on my AMD X2 box. To be honest, I don't run anything that I didn't compile myself, or that's not available in the Ubuntu package repository, so I don't even know if I've got 32-bit apps on here.

Flash, on the other hand, you can't compile yourself, and it's not available in the Ubuntu repositories. I can't get that to work. Can't be that bothered to be honest.

Oh, I did have a problem with clock drift -- it ran faster than real time -- but I fixed that with a kernel command line switch. If you try Ubuntu, and you have the same problem (it doesn't happen on all 64-bit boxes -- depends on the chipset, apparently), post back and I'll tell you how I fixed it. Assuming that a later kernel doesn't fix it transparently.
-- roger