
No support I can see for auto-power on/off in Myth, but Sage didn't really have it either, so nothing lost.

I eventually did find this in the mythtv-setup menus for the backend. There's a whole GUI screen hiding in there under General to configure auto power on/off according to the recording/activity schedule.

I did have to write a couple of short shell scripts to mate with it, but it does appear to be doing unattended power on/off as needed now.

I also added a "minder" script to restart the backend whenever it dies -- so far it only dies when I muck about with the settings menu on the frontend software.

Last thing to still get working: the Hauppauge remote control. This was supposed to be the easiest, but so far..

Does anyone out there know how to burn a show to DVD *without* the commercials included? It automatically tags/skips them for regular playback inside myth, but I want to archive stuff to DVD without advertisements.

