Finally got around to seeing this. Awesome movie. The one movie it reminded me of more than any other was Brazil. Well, other than the ending. I'd liked to have seen a different ending. But that was about it for the entirety of the problems I have with the movie. Early on it told me not to expect anything, and it (almost) held true to that promise. So often I see movies and I know what's going to happen well before the movie shows it to me. This was most definitely not one of those films.

V guvax gur orfg raqvat sbe gur zbivr jbhyq unir orra Gurb (nccneragyl) qrnq va gur obng jvgu Xrr naq gur onol, jnvgvat. Va bgure jbeqf, V guvax vg fubhyq unir orra yrsg bcra abg bayl nf gb vs Gur Uhzna Cebwrpg jnf tbvat gb cvpx gurz hc, ohg vs vg rira rkvfgrq.

Nabgure cbffvoyvygl zvtug unir orra gung gurl (Gur Uhzna Cebwrpg, gur Svfu, be gur tbireazrag -- jubrire) trg gur onol naq jr qvfpbire gung gurl unir uhaqerqf be gubhfnaqf bs onovrf gung gurl'ir pbyyrpgrq bire gur lrnef. Gung zvtug raq hc orvat n yvggyr cernpul, gubhtu. Abg gung gur erfg bs gur zbivr qvqa'g unir vgf cernpul zbzragf.
Bitt Faulk