Here is the log from fsck.
Looks like there were problems that were fixed?

The drive looks as if it has a bad track -- several sectors reported as bad. But things like this can be tricky -- the only real way to tell is to put the smartctl command onto the player and run it to read the drive error logs directly from the IDE drive.

But a rough approximation is also possible: connect over serial, hit control^C to kill off the player software, and do cat /dev/hda > /dev/null. When it finishes the next day, do cat /proc/kmsg to see the kernel error messages. Then repeat it all again.

If the kernel reports failures both times on exactly the same sectors, then we know the drive has bad sectors. But if the reported sectors differ each time, then it's more like to be a cable/connection issue.

But smartctl is a better method, if you know how to use it.
