Reminds me of a celebrity chat transcript I saw. I think it was Penn Jillette on AOL, who was typing up answers to fan questions in a celebrity chat. Or maybe it was someone else. Anyway, it was hilarious when he let slip a small expletive, and discovered that some of his words were being censored. He started deliberately trying different words in his responses to see what would and wouldn't be censored.

Then there's the time that Douglas Adams had the "F" word censored out of one of his novels for the American edition printing. He replaced the word with "Belgium", then wrote a two-page footnote explaining why "Belgium" was a horrendous insult to most of the rest of the galaxy, and that us backwards Earth folk were blissfully using it in everyday conversation.

Then there's what George Carlin said oh-so-many years ago: There's no such thing as bad words, just bad intentions.

Tony Fabris (
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Tony Fabris