
I've got the 2 x 6.5inch package. Robricc got them on my behalf in the US. Pretty good performance, I'm told the bigger units are even better.

They look ideal if the main isssue is lack of depth for mounting a traditional woofer. But on the Mog, there is a fair bit of depth available behind the plywood panel behind the seats. OK, at some point you will hit the rear diff...

I am also a bit suspicious of anything with "earthquake" in it's name. I am not looking at listening to surround soundtracks of disaster movies, and I don't need to be able to set off car alarms while waiting for a green light. Insetad I want a clean sound with sufficient volume to cope with the rather significant wind and engine noise - a german car it isn't.

For the same reason I have a bias against elements with glow-in-the-dark neon surrounds (and furry dice).

The Focal elements would have been perfect...