In that case a pardon would simply put a stop to the proceedings. Although If one was anal about being judged innocent...

I'm under the impression that a President can issue a pardon at any time for anything and or everything under the sun. Regardless of the current, or lack of current prosecution.

I bet you are right, so my Rove-in-a-jumpsuit pipe dream might have gotten a few serious dents.

AFAIK Presidents generally wait till the end of their tenure to issue pardons as that tends to make any outrage moot. Slick Willy did that.

Well, I'm not sure it makes *all* outrage moot. If the Democrats are stupid enough to nominate anybody from his clan, I will not bother to vote for the office of President on that November day in 2008.

As a consolation for my diminished crackpot theory, perhaps I should now start a pool to guess just how many administration notables Bush will pardon on January 19, 2009 "just in case".

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.