I just bought a Macbook and love it. This is one fine laptop. Parallels seem to run XP and Ubuntu without a hitch. I can use a shared folder or just drag files from one OS to another. It boots up and shuts down like lightening. Every XP appliction I have ran has worked flawlessly. The single button under the touchpad requires you to hit ctrl-shift-mousebutton to mimick the right mouse button but a two button mouse is suppose to work fine. I can reach the shared drives on my network without any trouble and setup was a cinch. I am not a developer but for the simple things I do it has work perfect. I don't think I'll ever go back. Due to the integrated graphics I don't use it for FPS gaming but that was not my intention when I bought it. This is a Macbook not a Macbook Pro. For my needs I couldn't justify the extra cost. I just got done replacing the 80GB drive with a 120 using Superduper!. The process was painless and took less than two hours. You simply use an external firewire drive to clone your drive to and then clone it back to the internal drive once you have installed it. The Macbook can boot from an external firewire drive. SuperDuper! is free!
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