I see what you're saying, Corrigun. That's valid, although with the complexity of your installation, it's gonna be groundloop hell for sure. Keeping either the empeg or the carputer out of that equation would simplify all the power and audio routing and reduce chances for that kind of problem. But hey, if that's what you wanna do, more power to ya.

How to do it: Well, I don't see anything on the roadrunner page that tells me it's designed to be extensible or that you're supposed to be able to add third party player applications.

HOWEVER... it does have its source code as a free download. You could very likely add your own empeg controller screen to the source code with very little effort. Like I said, what EmpegFace does is brain-dead simple: It polls a URL for the hijack screen image, and it sends urls to hijack for button presses. That's it.

If you're willing to dig into the Roadrunner source code, this BBS can help you with the exact URLs you need to get the job done. Let us know if you're going to go that far.
Tony Fabris