After getting the "No Hard Disk Found" error, I decided to just do an upgrade on my MK II. I had two 30 GB drives in there prior. I took out both drives and installed a 120 GB drive. Went through the Rio Car Dot Org upgrade instructions. I then put one of the 2 30 GB drives back in there as well. I fired up Emplode. Some of my previous playlists were there. I deleted them and the actual tracks associated with them. I then synced with the player and all seemed to be well. Then I added a few albums via Emplode. Right off the bat I noticed that they don't show up under the Playlists tree. The individual tracks show up under Tracks, the artist under Artist, etc. But nothing under playlists. Furthermore, after syncing with the player, no playlists show up on my Empeg.

Any ideas on what I need to do? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.