I do have hope that the bugs with sound effects will phase out, though.

Maybe, but network television advertising will continue to worsen just like Internet advertising did in its much shorter internet-time-frame. It'll become a cesspool, exposed to all those without technological means of blocking it (ie: as TiVO is to popup blockers).

I caught a bit of Nascar a while back, and didn't go for 4 seconds without being flooded with advertising. For someone who hardly watches TV, seeing that was like a sci-fi glimpse into the future world of human manipulation.

And does TV really do what the people want? Or does television programming exist only to make people watch the ads in between and during the "content"? I think TV will manipulate us anyway it can to keep our asses parked to soak up as much advertising and spend as much money on "crap we don't need" (Tyler Durdin) as possible.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set