Well done

However a recent 25Gb Empeg on ebay : http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230169251871
went for £153 (a spare eh Hussein?)

I am pleased you made more than the £300 I offered - but although it was clearly not 'top dollar', it was a damned fair price and my point was it was actually *more* than you'd have got if you'd stuck to your eBay prices. I also offered you a lot of flexibility in selling it as a package or individually and I even provided a 'backup offer' in case you couldn't get as much as you wanted for the individual items.

I also think it shows that I made a reasonable assessment at the 'going rate' on eBay and the like. Of course I was also willing to actually buy it at the price I mentioned...
(I take it Phil didn't actually offer you the £400 he suggested?)

Anyhow, I hope you introduced the new owner to the BBS...
LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's