
Lately, I noticed my riocar was not spinning down the hard discs. I get an "Icon with bright line in center" most of the time. I also get the flashing W letter every 3-4 seconds. If I pause the music, the hard drives stop after a short while (30 seconds) as usual. If I let it play normally, it will eventually stop the drives, but not within normal delay, sometimes not at all. It seems quite random.

Attached is a bootlog. Alll seems normal, except the ide_data_test. FAQ says the 4 last lines sould be pairs, I get only the last 3 correctly. Is it bad?

I looked at the hard drives cable/header as I already had problems in this area but all seems fine. I did not get any "Hard disk not found" lately.

It looks like the player can't get data fast enough out of the hard drives. Music doesn't skip, but I occasionnaly hear a glitch not present in the mp3 files. Hard drives are the original drives from back when I bought the player. Could they be bad? Any idea?



Riocar 32meg v2.01
Original 2x30G Jan-2001 Fujitsu
Hijack 465

305875-elperepatempegdump.txt (170 downloads)