Possible spoilers for the show HEROES below.

OK, how do you color text? The shortcut buttons for the UBB code don't work in Safari nor Camino in Mac OS.

My favorite shows this season are definitely Journeyman, Life and Pushing Daisies. I had fears they would cancel all three. They cancelled last year's best shows. Heroes this season is so much weaker than any of these. But it likely has last year's fan base still watching.

I thought when it premiered that I'd not like Journeyman. But when the episode was over I saw some promise. By the end of the third episode I new I'd keep watching. It's gotten better due in part to the story arc they've been developing in the background.

Urebrf vf ybfg (ab cha vagraqrq). Gurl znqr n pbzcyrgr naq hggre zrff bs guvf frnfba'f fgbel yvar. Bar bs gurve svefg zvfgnxrf jnf er-vagebqhpvat Fvyne va gur svefg rcvfbqr. Ur fubhyq unir orra xrcg hagvy guvf cnfg jrrx be fb. V qba'g zvaq gur Fbhgu Nzrevpna punenpgref nf zhpu nf V zvaq Cnexzna (V fjrne gung thl cynlf gur fnzr punenpgre ba rirel fubj, tbvat nyy gur jnl onpx gb Sryvpvgl - juvpu V qvqag jngpu ohg fnj cbegvbaf bs fbzr rcvfbqrf jvgu uvz). Nyfb ungr gur Fherfu punenpgre, rira gubhtu V dhvgr yvxrq jung gurl jrer qbvat jvgu uvz gur svefg unys bs ynfg frnfba. V fjrne, Fherfu naq Cnexzna znxr gur cresrpg yrfovna cnegaref. Ubj pna gur jevgref pbzr hc jvgu fhpu tneontr naq gbff pbagvahvgl naq qrirybcrq punenpgre cebsvyrf bhg gur jvaqbj? V nyfb trg naablrq ol FVyne, ohg hayvxr gur bguref, V guvax vg'f zber gur npgbe naq abg gur punenpgre.

Gb znxr znggref jbefr gurl qvq gur jubyr zvaq-oynaxvat guvat ba gur Crgre punenpgre naq abj gung ur unf uvf zrzbel onpx ur'f npgvat yvxr na rira ovttre vqvbg. Abcr, abg tbvat gb frr vs uvf oebgure vf BX. Abg tbvat gb sbyybj hc jvgu nal bs gur bgure crbcyr jur urycrq uvz "fnir gur jbeyq" ynfg gvzr. Abg tbvat gb yvfgra gb gur Uveb punenpgre jub ur xabjf pna nyfb geniry guebhtu gvzr naq zvtug xabj fbzrguvat nobhg "Nqnz" ur qbrfa'g. Vg frrzf gb zr gung gur jevgref jnyxrq bss guvf fubj yngr ynfg lrne whfg orsber gur frnfba raqrq naq guvf frnfba unf orra jevggra ol gur pbfghzr fgnss. Gunaxshyyl gur npgbef ner tbbq rabhtu gb chyy bs gur qvnybthr. Juvpu vgfrys vfa'g jevggra gung onqyl be njxjneqyl - vg'f gur fvghngvbaf naq birenyy fgbel gung ner nofbyhgr penc. Vg srryf yvxr gurl whzcrq jvgu na vqrn gung jnfa'g jryy cynarq bhg naq ner abj fpenzoyvat gb rkcynva gurve pubvprf. Rira gur fubj'f perngbe ncbybtvmrq gb snaf nterrvat gung gurl jrag bss genpx guvf frnfba.

It's not a train-wreck like 24 was last season - that show had the most trite and bullshit story line coupled with the worst dialogue ever written for prime time - that's no understatement.

NBC is going to premiere a Heroes spin off. Maybe they might want to save that for next year. If Heroes continues down this road I'd be happier if they canned it.

I don't hold much hope for Lost when it returns. The network is making the show irrelevant by shortening the season and premiering it far too late into the season. Sorry but this late premiere and these fall finale concepts aren't working with me.

Prison Break was another ho hum fall run. Again, doesn't seem to be written by anyone who worked on season 1. Probably the kitchen/catering staff handled this one.

I do still like Reaper. Ray Wise is bloody excellent, but so are the main actors. Just a fun show. Fun is how I'd describe Pushing Daisies as well. Love the surreal palettes and set decor and the actors seem to really work well together. Quirky works for this show.

Grey's Anatomy is OK, but I didn't like last week's episode so much. The spin-off, Private Practice is enjoyable as well. My fiancée's favorite new show. She also likes Daisies but doesn't watch Reaper and Journeyman (though I'm sure she'd this one).

Hmmm... Didn't mean to hijack the thread. I wanted to dig up the old TV thread to post how I felt about Heroes as a venting exercise, but I'm trying to stay positive.

Edit: Fixed the color thing and used the spoiler tag. -wfaulk

Edited by wfaulk (01/12/2007 00:12)