Originally Posted By: tonyc
Obviously, Mother Nature is a Hillary supporter. Hillary does well among female voters.

I'm just a bit stunned that not one report I have seen on the New Hampshire primaries mentioned the unseasonably warm weather. The whole glycerin tears psychodrama aside, it was seen that both Clinton<-->Obama and McCain<-->Romney were somewhat aligned along age/generational lines.

I remember that when I actual did some political footwork -- back when I was young, was dumb, and actually cared -- getting the elderly vote out on a cold election day was pivotal and the weather mattered a lot.

But what do I know? I predicted McCain's demise months ago. Who would know that the Surge would make Iraq seem like a great new idea? Hey, what's 4-5K KIA between friends?

Especially with respect to New Hampshire, I do wonder what the Democratic spread would look like if McCain had left the field to Romney and Huckleberry.


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.