Originally Posted By: DWallach
You never said anything about what sorts of music you want to DJ

Showing my age here - anything from "classic" 70's/80's disco to KLF-style "stadium house".

and what your functionality requirements are (cross-fading? beat matching? pitch bending?).

Pretty much all of those.

Now, if you want fancier mixing and whatnot, Google for "open source dj mixer", which turned up Mixxx and also helped me find OpenJay, which seems to be dedicated to exactly your needs. There's even a tool called xwax, which understands timecoded vinyl for scratching and so forth. Lastly, you might want to check out UltraMixer. It's not free, but it is cross-platform.

Thanks! Had ftried out Mixxx, and it worked pretty well, but hadn't come across OpenJay. Still need some hardware - a decent controller/A/D/mixer at least, but the Hercules ought to do that.

Edited by julf (04/02/2008 18:37)