Wow, that is weird. Is the fake primary some relic of the past or something?

I dislike the concept and execution of caucuses in this country. Primaries are a much fairer mechanism, and I'm glad I live in a state that uses primaries instead.

Barack is definitely on fire, and I think he wins the nomination, superdelegates be damned. After the stolen election in 2000, I do not think the Democratic party is going to nominate someone who got less popular support. It's not out of the question, but I think it's highly unlikely.

I think the superdelegtes will come around and support the leader in pledged delegates. The whole purpose of superdelegates is to avoid a situation where a very weak candidate somehow racks up the most delegates and then gets caught with a hooker right before the convention. I don't think they'll change the result just to deliver the nomination to a candidate that's bleeding popular support in almost every demographic.

But, then again, I didn't think the current gang of idiots would lie to get us into a war in the Middle East. So what do I know.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff