Originally Posted By: Shonky
I take it you're saying "Nokia PC Suite" sucks? I tend to agree it can be a pain sometimes.

Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. It's got a whole heap of Windows Explorer shell namespace extensions, almost all of which crash almost every time I try to use them.

It can't be that hard to write something stable. If I could find any documentation about how to write OBEX-over-USB software on Windows, I'd put something together myself.

The problem I'm trying to solve is this: A long time ago, I synchronised my Outlook Contacts and Calendar (including birthdays) to my Nokia 3310, using PC Suite. These have followed me from phone to phone, up to the 6300 that I'm currently using. Now, Outlook puts an 18-hour alarm on birthdays. This is not a problem when you're using Outlook, because they pop up in a window and you can dismiss them easily. Unfortunately, PC Suite synchronised the alarms to the phone, which means I now get woken up at about 6am the day before someone's birthday.

I want to keep the birthdays in the phone, but I want to turn off the alarm. Here's where we get to the stupid part: you can easily turn off the alarm for a birthday, but the act of viewing a repeating appointment makes a copy into the next year, including the alarm settings. This means that I have to remember to delete the alarm on each birthday for multiple years.
-- roger