I took a random glance at my router's logs and noticed a whole lot of lease renewals from my Tivo. How many? How about 7829 DHCP renewals over the past 11 hours.

I found one thread on the TivoCommunity forum, but it's not terribly helpful in diagnosing the problem. They suggest that it might be a problem with sproradic network connectivity. I've got my Tivo hooked in via traditional, wired Ethernet. The Tivo is plugged into a four-port switch that it shares with my AppleTV, and I'm not seeing crazy renewal rates from the AppleTV (only six DHCP renewals over the same time period, which is still higher than it probably should be, but is still reasonable). I even have a static DHCP reservation, so the Tivo always gets the exact same IP address.

Any thoughts on possible causes or likely solutions? Or, should I just file this under the "yeah, whatever" category and go on with life?