Originally Posted By: canuckInOR
I had one of my camera's Smart Media cards die on me the other day,
and I'm trying to recover the photos that I took that day.

Windows XP doesn't mount the card via a USB card reader. Mac OS X
doesn't mount the card via a USB card reader, either. Since I can't
get the card to mount, it doesn't even show up as a device in /dev,
which prevents me from doing a "dd" to recover data.

The camera doesn't even recognize the card now, and refuses to
even format the card.

Googling hasn't been of much help, but I did find a couple of
utilities that I'll try once I get home:


However, it looks like they require the media to be mounted,
leading me to believe that they aren't going to be useful.

So... any suggestions on how to get the card visible under Linux?

If you want, you could mail the card to me here,
and I'll recover anything that can be recovered from it.

And.. I'll even post the juiciest photos onto a public webserver for you. smile