Ok, only one more Best Picture nominee to go... Juno. I've watched the other 4 and so far haven't been impressed.

In fact, I thought Atonement was a complete bore, There WIll Be Blood pretentious and completely pointless, No Country for Old Men highly over-rated and Michael Clayton was just "OK" but nothing to write home about.

I'm really confused about the last one I just saw, There WIll Be Blood. Here's the biggest question I have after seeing it... What was I supposed to like about it?

The acting was phenomenal, some good cinematography, occasional bits of good score, but the story? The plot? Huge mess. The guys who cut the thing together could also have trimmed at least 45 minutes.

So far I'm wondering how any of these movies were nominated for "Best Picture" - was 2007 a giant April Fool's joke?

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