Originally Posted By: mlord
Upgrade the chipset drivers and try booting again.

Normally I would agree with you, but this system runs on the most recent drivers. Also, BEFORE the cloning, the drive showed its available size of 1TB just fine. It's only AFTER the cloning things went south.

So it looks like this cloning process has 'done something' to the drive, making it show it's available size as only 32 MB. Also, immediately after the cloning, before the drive was powered down, it still showed the size as 1 TB, and all files copied to it could be accessed. It's only after the drive got powered down and turned on again that the size now shows as 32 MB. It's like the drive got flashed or something...

As for the "slow" copy time.. USB does about 30MBytes/sec max.

Yeah, I figured as much. That by itself didn't worry me for exactly that reason.
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup