Originally Posted By: andy
If you did another small production run of the empeg then you'd end up with an even more expensive product that the original empeg.

the tool for creating the pcb/schmatics do a display of the price for the "ready to build in case" pcb, at least that is what i understand, and if we had a part or maybe the whole of the org. pcb designing an upgraded pcb would not be a big problem, the only problem i can se would be the time to do it

as for the software i AGREE, it's a big damn shame that it is not opensource, a lot of improvements could have been done, all of the nice work mark have done with hijack could have been a part of the player software so that we only had to load the player software, one way to create a new player software could be to reverse the org. player and merge it with hijack (if that at all can be done?) the new software will no longer look like the org. player and hence no one can claim rights on it...

if i had the skills i would have started on this a long time ago, but i'm a "monkey" at both programming and designing a pcb, the only thing i'm good at is repairing and put things together by an instruction/guide, also i have a tons of ideas that demands more than normal willing to do them
the "monkey" who learned to check a harddrive