Originally Posted By: SE_Sport_Driver
Tools > Options > Library shows that WMP automatically checks My Documents > My Music and My Documents > My Videos to update the library. If you have a lot of files in there, that could cause it. Either move the files or point WMP away from that if you don't use WMP for keeping a library.

The folders it searches are empty, but it's always doing this thing where it fills that screen with "AUTOMATICALLY ADDED" for a bunch of folders, and if I hit IGNORE and toggle the radio button and go back, they go back to "AUTOMATICALLY ADDED" and I don't see a way to just turn that shit *off* completely. There's always at least one that it doesn't let me make "ignore" and then the others keep changing back to AUTOMATICALLY ADDED.


Other possibility:
In Tools > Options > Player
You can tell it to check for updates Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

Again, set to "monthly" but there's no option to just turn that bullshit *OFF*.
Tony Fabris