Here's the situation I'm currently in. The hard drive in one of my empegs was dying, so I put that one aside and have been using the 10g one I have instead (until I get around to putting the new drive in the other one). The songs are still on it, it will just be iffy being able to get to them. I had them all on my computer hard drive. That hard drive died about a month ago. I have all those songs on my iPod Touch.
I never made an optical backup of the songs because they were always on at least two hard drives at the same time (with a subset on the smaller empeg).
iTunes let me recover the songs I purchased from iTunes, but I can't see how to get the rest of the songs off the iPod. Is that even possible, or is it disabled on purpose (kind of like the original emplode)? Should I just skip that and go right to trying to get them off the empeg and recover as much as possible before reripping the ones that I can't recover?
Thanks for any advice, I'm still new at this iPod thing