Originally Posted By: Roger
The killer for the electric car is the charge time, combined with lack of range. If I'm driving my petrol car from (say) Exeter to Inverness (about 600 miles, roughly 10 hours driving), I'll need to fill my car up at least once. Right now, this takes about 10 minutes. Even if the electric car can go 300 miles between charges, I'm not going to want to stand in a service station forecourt for 8 hours while the batteries recharge.

My money's still on Hydrogen.

The answer is a standardized battery pack that can be changed out at service stations.

Drive 300 miles, pull in a service station and pop the trunk. A robotic arm (or two big hairy guys) takes out your discharged battery and replace it with a freshly charged battery. You’re on your way. Your used battery is put in the charging rack and is ready for the next customer in a few hours.

If I was only rich enough to do this.