Rubbing the EmpegBBS lamp again...

SWMBO has had a longstanding problem on her work PC, in that apps grab focus too frequently and too easily. "TweakUI" I tells her.

But most mornings, she looks in the TweakUI settings, and the "prevent applications from stealing focus" checkbox is mysteriously unchecked again.

I've temporarily put a bandaid on the problem by making a batch file that fixes up the ForegroundFlashCount and ForegroundLockTimeout entries in the system registry, then made a link to that batch file in her Startup group.

That takes care of it at system startup, but I'm guessing there's some application on her system that's being a smartass and messing with those registry entries for its own amusement. I'll bet she still gets the problem anyway, despite the band-aid. Uncle Google says that she's not the only one with this problem, but there aren't any clear solutions out there that I can find.

Anyone else ever run into this problem and solve it?
Tony Fabris