Originally Posted By: wfaulk
There is really no reason not to use Paint.NET or any of the handful of other free image editors

I downloaded and tried Paint.net and I must admit it looks promising. It has features I will probably not need or use, but at least it uses the philosophy so well demonstrated in the 2003 version of Excel of keeping the top layer of the GUI simple and basic and hiding the complex things underneath. In the few minutes I have played with it I have found some features that were lacking in MS Paint that I like, such as being able to rotate the image in increments other than 90 degrees, and considerably more default options for sizing and the fact that (AFAICT) all the tools work when the image size is expanded or contracted.

If there are any shortcomings in the program, it is probably only that something doesn't work the way I expect and due to the more complex GUI I just haven't figured out what to do yet.

Thanks, Bitt, for pointing this program out to me.

But... can anyone offer an answer of why my MS Paint program won't work? If I have Paint.net open, all I have to do is click on the Save icon and MS Paint will work. One time. Click Save in Paint.net and MS Paint will work again. Once. Very strange behavior.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"