There's no routing problem at your end, so your ISP is unlikely to be able to help. If you look at the trace, you can see that, by hop 9 or 10, the route is out of AT&T's network and into Level3's.

If I try the same traceroute, I get to (your hop 18), although it's only hop 14 from where I am (I can get to Level3 within 5 hops).

However, none of this _really_ means anything, except to verify that it's not a routing problem at your end. When I get to the last hop, I get the "* * *" stuff as well.

The "* * *" stuff is caused by a firewall at the other end. The thing is: this firewall's allowing HTTP traffic through it (I can connect to the website), but it's not responding ICMP traffic, which is why traceroute stops at that point.
-- roger