Originally Posted By: DWallach
It's hard to overestimate the impact that MJ had on pop music and dance. Seems you can hardly find yourself a serious hip-hop dancer who doesn't have the choreography to Thriller memorized.

From Washington Post: "MC Hammer tweets on Jackson death: `I have no words.'"

I couldn't have said it better.

It's only too bad that MJ lived in his own fantasy world rather than getting out and being a normal person.

When I saw him waving his child from the balcony, I had to conclude that he had succumbed to some invasive fungal infection of the meninges. I know Entertainment Tonight will run MJ stories for the next 10 years alongside exposes about Marilyn Monroe, but at least you can take consolation from the idea that we are approaching closure.

Hip-hop, for sure, but can Jacko take credit for the The Feminist and the Fuzz? (Wherein Farrah administered the proverbial "Lust Slap" to so many unsuspecting males).

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.