WOW! I can't believe how long it's been since I've been here. Ugh... I miss you guys. Unfortunately/fortunately... my life has prevented me from being so screen bound as of the past year+

SO: Telltale
Haven't worked there in a couple years... which is a bummer because that meant I passed on working on Wallace and Grommit AND on the Strongbad game. But as I said above... new priorities. I turned down working on that series as well actually.

I'm doing all my work freelance for Ozone Paragliders these days... doing all of their graphic design and some photograpny/video work. Loving it.

CRASH: Yup. sucks... will have more screen time than I can deal with over the next 3 months... and I need to sell some empeg stuff to cover med bills so I'll be around more often I'm sure. =]
|| loren ||