Now I've gotten the IDE bus to work (bad traces), but there is a problem with the I2C bus now. Which apparently configures and controls the DSP because there is no sound. Since the CS4231A fix is in place, I'm guessing the lack of a functioning DSP would kill the fix as well and explain why the CS4231A is also not working.

So it's back to probing around the PEELs and passives to the DSP to see if something has died there.


Edit: I fixed the DSP and CS4231A. For some reason, the DSP reset pin was stuck low. For whatever reason, removing the fix corrected this. I tripled checked that I had it just as Mark did and it was, but anyway all seems well now.

Edited by maczrool (17/09/2009 14:41)
If you want it to break, buy Sony!