One of my backup drives is an external 1TB SATA drive. I leave it powered down except when I am backing up. In order for the computer to see the drive, I have to power up the drive and then reboot the computer. Is there a way to mount the drive (Windows Vista) without rebooting?

My backup software (Karen's Replicator), as is the case with most backup software, doesn't back up files that are in use. (I tell it to skip the C:\Windows directory entirely as a global exclusion.) Below is a list of the files that it doesn't back up. Some of these files I know about (in particular, the AVG files) but others are a mystery to me. Does anyone know what these files are? (This segment of the backup log is NOT to the 1 TB SATA drive, but to a smaller USB external drive.)

09/23/2009 21:03:33: Logging Started Computer=DOUG-PC User=Doug App=Karen's Replicator v3.5.3

09/23/2009 21:03:33: Running Manual Job: 4 Backup C: Drive --> H: (Larger USB Drive), NO deletions

09/23/2009 21:03:33: Windows Version: Windows Vista v6.0.6002
09/23/2009 21:03:33: Source folder: C:\
09/23/2009 21:03:33: Destination folder: H:\Disk1\
09/23/2009 21:03:33: File Filter: *.*
09/23/2009 21:03:33: Compare Method: Copy If Source File's Date of Last Modification is Newer OR File Sizes Differ

09/23/2009 21:03:33: Replicate Deletions? False
09/23/2009 21:03:33: Move Deleted Items to Recycle Bin? False
09/23/2009 21:03:33: Include Subfolders? True
09/23/2009 21:03:33: Global Exclusions Enabled? True

09/23/2009 21:03:36: Error: Could Not Open Source File (Error 32 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.): C:\Boot\BCD

09/23/2009 21:03:39: Error: Could Not Open Source File (Error 32 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.): C:\Boot\BCD.LOG

09/23/2009 21:05:12: Error: Could Not Open Source File (Error 32 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.): C:\ProgramData\avg8\AvgAm\avgam.lck

09/23/2009 21:05:51: Error: Could Not Open Source File (Error 32 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.): C:\Users\All Users\avg8\AvgAm\avgam.lck

09/23/2009 21:06:27: Error: Could Not Open Source File (Error 32 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.): C:\Users\Doug\NTUSER.DAT

09/23/2009 21:06:30: Error: Could Not Open Source File (Error 32 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.): C:\Users\Doug\ntuser.dat.LOG1

09/23/2009 21:06:33: Error: Could Not Open Source File (Error 32 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.): C:\Users\Doug\ntuser.dat.LOG2

09/23/2009 21:07:41: Error: Could Not Open Source File (Error 32 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.): C:\Users\Doug\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Defender\FileTracker\9CE55740-1054-45FD-9B0F-CD50F550CF5C

09/23/2009 21:09:13: Finished Job: 4 Backup C: Drive --> H: (Larger USB Drive), NO deletions
Job: 4 Backup C: Drive --> H: (Larger USB Drive), NO deletions
Run Time: 09/23/2009 21:03:33 to 09/23/2009 21:09:13 (Duration: 5:40)
Status: Completed (with Failures)
Files Processed: 44,230
Files Copied: 1,638
Files Up-To-Date: 42,521
Files Excluded: 63
Files Deleted: 0
Folders Processed: 5,187
Folders Deleted: 0
Bytes Copied: 1,563,085,122
Bytes per Second: 4,590,720
Next Run: 09/24/2009 01:00:00
09/23/2009 21:09:13: Logging Stopped

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"