The story of a search for a song.

Around 1987 I had the great opportunity to travel to London with my junior college and stay over there taking classes for a quarter. As soon as the idea was in my head to go, I started hanging out at the local pub in Palo Alto called The Lancashire Tavern.
The place is still there, although now it's called the Rose and Crown and a few small changes here and there.

Well, a couple times a week I'd head over to 'The Lanc' to drink beer and throw darts. I'd bought a set of darts and was set on making darts my game.

Man, those were good times. One thing over at the pub- they had this great old jukebox to make music for the place. No modern CDs or anything like that- this thing took quarters and flipped 45s.
A true marvel of a bygone era. ...and man, that box was stacked with classics! I wish I knew what happened to that machine.
There was one song on it that I'd never heard anywhere else- and me loving the music of the 50's and 60's that was saying something. The song had this wild sax bump that was really catchy.

Years later I went back to my old pub to see how things had changed. Well, the new name had brought with it a new jukebox- one of those CD playing ones that has about a thousand songs in it from hundreds of albums to choose from. What a shame to have lost that piece of musical memorabilia. The new player took dollar bills and was full of modern music. It was quite a blow.

I always kept a part of that song and the title in my head and occasionally over the years it would pop up and haunt me for a while. I couldn't remember the name of the artist, but I figured eventually I'd figure it out.

Since the internet was born I've done a couple of searches trying to find it, but with limited success. Eventually, last year I found a recent version of the song done by a modern-era Rockabilly group called The Blasters (from Downey, CA, no less!). That version is pretty good.

So, a week or so ago I went looking again to see what I could find.
I started with The Blasters entry on wikipedia and found the song on one of their albums
That listing showed the author of the song to be Rudy Toombs
and that article said the song was a hit for Little Willie John
Well, that was easy, eh?
There must be some video versions up somewhere... so googling got me these results

and what do you know- there it was among a slew of other covers-
I'm Shakin' by Little Willie John

I found it on multiple albums available through Amazon.
One just arrived yesterday.

Here's The Blasters

Very true to the original, just pumped up a bit in all the right spots.

Oh- and a more modern song with the same title by a band called Rooney (most of the google returns) has nothing whatsoever to do with the song I like.
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