I'd forgotten but now I've remembered. Or had thrown in my face. One of the worst captcha implementations ever comes from the darlings of shit web design, inexplicable 'concepts,' eternal public alphas and buggy code, Google.

Trying to log into your Google "apps" account or adsense or really anything at Google will, quite very often, prompt you with a CAPTCHA. Why? There's never a reason or error given about your attempt to log in with username and password.

Google's scrambled words are very often impossible to make out, but they're always very difficult. If you have vision impairment then you're really in the shit. Try listening to the audio clip and it's even more confusing that the scrambled garbage they want to you look at.

To top this all off, what happens when you definitely type the right word? It may log you in. Or, it may just ask you for it again. With no error and no explanation given as to why. Click on the "can't access your account" link and you'll get a multiple choice prompt, of which none of the choices match the problem you're seeing. Pick one anyway and you'll get a list of excuses explaining that Google's account system has bugs that are being worked on. Yeah, I needed them to tell me their stuff is buggy. How many years exactly is this going to take to fix?

I'm frustrated as hell and can't log in to my old adsense account at all right now.
Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software